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Upgraded Shamanic Rebirth Program

The rebirth process is deep-rooted, one-to-one journey for those who are hungry for deep transformation and rebirth! This is an intensive process that is designed to assist you in shifting the most stubborn wounds and patterns through healing sessions, coaching and Earth Medicine. The goal of this is to clear the energetic imprints of your traumas from the energy body, remove any intrusive energies that are attached to it and retrieve the soul pieces and core aspects of your authentic energies that have become lost through past trauma. This is accompanied by powerful Shamanic rituals and ceremonies that are designed to replenish the energy field and anchor in your true destiny. 


What To Expect

This package has been specifically designed for those who are hungry for accelerated spiritual development and utilises powerful Shamanic Healing techniques alongside ancient ritual and ceremony in order to assist the you in transforming toxic patterns into tools for power and grace. The process includes a total of 10 healing & coaching sessions that are ordered and tailored to work with the unique wounds that you are holding on to. You will partake in powerful ceremonies to assist you with shedding your old stories and to help you move into the place of your becoming. You will be held in a sacred healing space, protected by spirit throughout the program which will amplify the process, enabling us to journey to the core of the wound to clear it. You will also receive various high-level initiations to enhance your healing process. 

How Does Shamanic Healing Work?

Shamans heal at the level of the spirit and soul. Through perceptual states of consciousness, they tune into your energy field to clear toxic imprints and intrusive energies in order to replenish the field and accelerate your healing process.  When the blockage is removed by the Shaman, it frees up the flow of chi in the energy body, allowing it to become easier to change limiting behaviours and patterns - the power of the immune system is unleashed and healing is accelerated. A single healing session can provide instant relief but is not a quick fix. When we are working with shadows that are dense and programming that stems back beyond childhood, it takes persistence to begin change them - this is the purpose of the treatment package... it provides a sacred and protected space to identify the shadow and expel the heavy energies that are surrounding it, in order to re-write the old programming. 


Stages Of The Healing Process

The package has set stages that are in place to ensure success. It is important that each session is within close proximity in order to keep momentum throughout. 

Stage 1 - Shadow Reading: This session will give you an opportunity to share your story as well as what you have experienced since the ritual took place, followed by an in-depth shadow reading to identify what shadows need to be released on throughout the program, whilst tracking where the imprints of these shadows are within your energy field as well as their true origins. We will also assign specific detox commitments to carry out in your daily life throughout the program which are highly personal and will clear space for the new. 

Stage 2 - Extraction: I will then perform an extraction to remove all intrusive entities, curses, projections, cords and thought forms that are polluting your system. You will essentially be culled of external influence. 

Stage 3 - Illumination: After receiving an extraction, it is necessary to undergo an illumination healing to remove the internal hooks (unprocessed wounds) that external energies latch onto and enhance. This healing will take you back into the root of your traumas to release the imprints from your system and illumination each of the seven chakras. 

Stage 4 - Healing Of Past Lives, timelines and possible futures: Once the imprints are gone, we go a layer deeper by looking at influence from past and parallel lives. This process involves a reading to identify the specific past lives, alongside a powerful journey and healing to remove their influence from your being. 

Stage 5 - Sacred Shedding Ceremony: The sacred shedding ceremony will drastically accelerate the releasing process by taking you on a powerful journey through the traumas of your past in order to experience them and dis-create them from your being. This utilises the power of Earth medicine.

Stage 6 - Integration + Bespoke Healing Session: This session is designed to help you integrate the learnings of the shedding ceremony and the previous sessions, whilst providing you with a gentle but powerful healing session that will be tailored to your needs. 

Stage 7 - Power Retrieval: Power is the internal driving force that is essential for us to be able to shape our reality. We are programmed on the individual and collective levels to give our power away, through feelings such as shame and guilt. Through this, we become accustomed to living life in powerlessness, with low expectations while being constantly drained by forces that exist outside of ourselves. Power retrieval is a sacred process that involves the Shaman journeying to the events and people that have taken your power away and drained your energy, in order to retrieve it and place the power back into your energy field so that you can begin to fully utilise it. Getting this power back cuts the cords to these past events and people and reconnects you to your truth.

Stage 8 - Soul Retrieval: Soul loss occurs through traumatic experiences when we learn that it is no longer safe to feel a core part of who we are, resulting in us dissociating ourselves from it. The soul retrieval will track the detached soul parts by revisiting certain events from your past. We will then journey back to these events to identify the points in which these soul pieces detached as well as identifying any toxic soul contracts that could be binding you to a certain way of being. If the soul piece is ready, we will retrieve it, alongside the core aspects of your authentic self that became lost in the process. The parts of you will then be integrated back into your energy field. It is here where you will receive the higher-self connection disk initiation to plant a disk of light into your crown, allowing downloads to come through with ease. 

Stage 9 - Sacred Retrieval Ceremony: The polar opposite to the shedding ceremony which is designed to dis-create, this ceremony will be executed to accelerate creation and align you to your destiny. This will induce powerful healing and will consolidate all of the sessions. This utilises the power of Earth medicine.

Stage 10 - Final Integration Session: This is designed to help you piece together the deep process that you will have gone through and to help you build a plan of the changes that need to be made accordingly.

Exchange: £2,250 - Deposit and instalment option available

What are the main benefits?

  • Clears deep emotional imprints from your past

  • Clears limiting beliefs about yourself

  • Breaks negative belief systems and patterns

  • Cuts cords and extracts intrusive energies

  • Replaces wounds with love and light

  • Gives you a stronger connection with yourself and the spiritual world around you

  • Creates a sense of well-being and becoming whole

Who will benefit from The Program?

This program is suited to those who are wanting to understanding the roots of a particular wound or pattern, and who want to allow more magic and joy into their lives. Working on a Shamanic level is very direct and to the point. Therefore, it is important that you are in the space to give your healing journey the momentum it needs to shed your older aspects to enable you to leap into who you are becoming.  ​

What to expect from working with Luke

  • Light-hearted but direct approach to healing.

  • Regular communication.

  • Ongoing support and integration techniques.


Reiki Treatment

Exchange: £2,250 - Deposit and instalment option available

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