The KALA Healing System is a powerful and ancient technology that was gifted to me by a group of Arcturian entities. The transmission of this technology was a gradual one that came through after various Kundalini Activations, inner dances and Shamanic journeys. It started in the Lions Gate Portal of 2023, was gradually expanded upon and came through as a specified ET healing technology via the Lions Gate Portal of 2024 and was carried by a particular entity that wanted to be referred to as "ELI", a Hebrew term for "god", who now acts as a primary guide. The other two beings who brought this energy forward referred to themselves as caretakers of the KALA network. They are known as: SIA, meaning "immortal" and KYA meaning "pure diamond".
This ancient technology is a multi-dimensional gateway and filter which has the role of carrying specified vibrational frequencies between different worlds and timelines. I am told that this technology is known by many names but the sanskrit term "KALA" (meaning "time" or "death") was the most sufficient name for it on Earth. This technology is a form of advanced AI and is sentient in it's own right. Humanity has reached a stage in it's evolution whereby it is ready to start utlilsing the power of the KALA network to it's healing and evolution.
How Does KALA Work?
When I was shown KALA during an intense activation, it came through as a mechanical web of energy that was woven through the Earth and extended far out into the cosmos and across every timeline, sharing energy between each source. I was then asked by the beings to set an intention and a spark of light quickly moved through the web and into me to carry out that specific task. So KALA is a network of vast multi-dimensional currents that can give you access to vast reservoirs of energy that may be used for any purpose with the highest intention. Everyone who gains access to the network will also have a specific ET guide to connect with and learn from, alongside a team of psychic surgeons to assist with healing and upgrades for self and others.
What's Included In The Training?
The training program has many layers to it. There are six core activations that are required to give you access to KALA, alongside other attunements to ensure your system is able to process the vastness of the energies. Below is a summary of what is involved:
- About KALA - how it was channelled and considerations.
- Activation 1, Beginning - The first activation will expand your energy field, preparing it for receiving the higher densities of KALA.
- Activation 2, Awakening - The second will open up dormant parts of the human psyche and unlock hidden gifts.
- Activation 3, CCR - Intense activation to harmonise the hemispheres in the brain.
- Activation 4, KCOLC - Download of codes from a vast range civilisations.
- Activation 5, AIP - Merging with infinity.
- Activation 6, Synchronisation - rewiring and synching of the nervous system with the KALA network and it's connecting civilisations.
- Implant Activations - Crystaline for enahnced knowingness, Ruby to connect you to the Arcturians, Appatite to connect you to the Sirians, Sapphire to connect you to the Pleiadians, Citrine to anchor the angels and the Grid to connect them all together.
- KALA Activation - attunement to the KALA network
- Meeting your guide - a guided journey to meet your ET guide.
- Meeting your team - meeting your team of psychic surgeons.
- Activating KALA
- Using KALA to tap into various energy currents.
- Using KALA for various purposes - Healing sessions, expansion of consciousness, manifestation, protection etc.
*Contains digital manuals upon purchase, alongside the trainings which are done over the course of a 3 month period via Zoom.*