Shamanic Healing & Coaching
Experienced Shamanic Practitioner - Online
I am an advanced Shamanic Practitioner who specialises in the extraction of heavy energies and attachments, alongside ancestral healing work. I hold a sacred and protected space for my clients to delve deep into their shadows, allowing them to release unhelpful patterns and behaviours so that they can start living their best lives. My sessions are held online via Zoom and long term plans can be discussed.

What Is Shamanic Healing?
Shamanic healing has played the role of an essential healing modality with our ancestors for thousands of years and can be found in all cultures and traditions around the world. The concept of illness doesn’t just manifest physically in the body but it also shows energetically within the person’s energy field. The Shaman works directly with your energy field to remove heavy energies, clear energetic imprints and restore the energy body. Shamans are able to perceive such blockages and clear them. The shaman becomes a conduit through which the energy of the wound is removed and replaced with energy that serves the person and empowers them.
Online vs In-Person Healing Sessions
Shamans work at the level of the spirit and soul. Through perceptual states of consciousness, they tune into your energy field to clear toxic imprints and intrusive energies in order to replenish the field and accelerate your healing process. Distance is a physical concept and because the healing occurs within your energy body, it makes no difference whether the Shaman is with you physically or not. Online or in-person sessions are more dependant on the personal preferences and needs of the client.

Accredited Shamanic Healer
My goal as your Shamanic Practitioner is to hold you within a sacred and protected space to allow you to safely delve deep into your healing process. I work in harmony with great spirit to facilitate the transformation that my clients are ready to attain.
My way of working is direct and to the point. My practice of Shamanism will not bypass anything and instead, will work to address the roots in terms of why certain events, illnesses and perceptions are prominent in one's life, in order to work with them to heal the root.
What I Work With
Shamanic work is never set in stone. There are many healing tools that may need to be utilised depending on what the client needs. It can be used to assist with any challenge by providing insight that goes beyond the literal level and into the world of energy and spirit. I am qualified to the highest standard to be able to work with the following:
Ancestral/Generational Curses - Many of us are holding onto energies that do not belong to us individually, but have been passed down through our bloodline. When our ancestors undergo trauma or illness, it stores as an imprint in their energy field, which have informed what we have inherited from them on both the physical and energetic levels. This is what condemns many of us to the same destructive patterns, behaviours and illnesses that our ancestors experienced.
Imprint Removal (Illumination) - All past traumas and illnesses leave imprints in our energy field. Imprints are what binds us to the same destructive patterns that unfold in our lives - they are responsible for attracting the same types of partners, job opportunities or illnesses and are even responsible for the people we might randomly bump into on the street or a car accident that we avoid by a split second. When they are left to fester, overtime, their density will increase and so will the scenarios that you bring into your life. When these imprints are removed, it is possible to change toxic behaviours and patterns, whilst the power of the immune system is unleashed and physical healing is accelerated.
Intrusive Energy Removal - Intrusive energies are a way of referring to energies that do not belong to us. These energies can be picked up from many different places and are typically attracted to us through our own unprocessed trauma. Intrusive energies take on many forms such projected energies from other people, parasitic cords that connect you to people and older dynamics that you have outgrown, Entities (fragmented spirits), psychic attack and in rare cases, black magic. The effects of these intrusive energies can be anywhere from mild to debilitating and most of the time, people don't even realise they have them. Despite this, intrusive energies are not to be confused with dissociative mental illness.
Spirit Attachment - This is what Shamans refer to as "Psychopomp" which is the sacred process of assisting spirits with their transition to the spirit world. These are spirits who died in a state of unrest and have therefore become stuck in the astral plane. These spirits are not normally malevolent in any way but are often diseased family members or friends who latch onto a person or place. The process is designed to gently assist the spirit with moving on.
Past Life Work - Sometimes the challenges that we are facing in this life can hold a resonance with what has occurred for us in a past life at which point, a past life journey may be required. We will journey back to embody these past lives and experience the emotions and the process of dying in order to dislodge the attachment from your energy field.
Soul Rescue/Retrieval - Soul Retrieval is a powerful process of retrieving the pieces of our souls which have detached through traumatic experiences. Soul loss is a very common challenge that many of us face and the process of retrieving it will involve journeying to the point in which the soul piece detached, and calling it back to source.
Power Retrieval - Power is the key aspect of ourselves that holds our ability to truly create our reality, but we are programmed into giving it away, both on the individual and collective levels. Because of this, our unprocessed trauma can hold a big segments of our power and therefore, stagnate our ability to create. The power retrieval process involves the Shaman journeying back to the specific events that caused the power loss, in order to retrieve the power and place it back into the client's energy field.
Ancestral Constellation - These are needed when there is toxicity and unrest within the client’s lineage that needs to be addressed. The process utilises shamanic journeying to venture into the collective unconscious to commune with the ancestors and make peace with them. This process is designed to cut the dense cords that are binding the client to the same illnesses, behaviours and patterns as their ancestors.
Sacred Offerings & Rituals - Ritual and offering are powerful ways of serving spirit and participating in a powerful energetic exchange for the purpose of healing. This can be done to assist you with releasing things from your life, or to assist with bringing things in.
Fully Remote Healings - These are fully remote healing sessions whereby we arrange a time and carry out the healing distantly - for this reason, the process is different to a normal in-person healing session. This approach combines all of the healing tools that I have gathered throughout my practice of Shamanism. The process is designed to address all layers of a particular wound such as: clearing all of the chakras and meridians, regenerating the energy field, extracting all intrusive energies, retrieving lost soul parts, releasing shame, reconnecting to the earth as well as scanning the timelines, past lives and ancestors to remove toxicity. More Info here
Shamanic Healing is deep-rooted work, therefore, the following must be taking into account before exploring it:
Shamanic Healing is not a replacement for Western medicine in anyway - if you are suffering with physical ailments, you must visit a Doctor first.
Shamanic healing is not a replacement from Psychiatry in any way, therefore, If you are suffering with dissociative mental health conditions (such as Schizophrenia) you must seek Psychiatric attention before seeing a Shaman - this is for your own safety.
A lot of clearing happens in these sessions, therefore, it is completely normal to experience cleansing symptoms following a healing that can last for numerous weeks - these can be physical symptoms or intensifying emotions. If this occurs, it is a vital part of your process and is necessary for you to undergo on your healing path.
My work as a Shaman is to help you harness your power to heal, not to do the external work for you or make you dependent on my services.
Shamanic Work of this nature should not be seen as a quick fix. Healing is a process that requires persistence and energy from the client to see lasting changes.
Who can learn Reiki?Reiki can be learned by anyone, no matter what their background is. It is an unconditional healing energy that can be used for anything as long as the intention is good and as a practice, it is something that everybody takes to naturally!
How Do I Become A Reiki Practitioner?You will be able to practice Reiki professionally with a Level 2 certificate, which you will get after completing our Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level 1 & 2 which is an entry-level, 2-day intensive, professional certification.
How many levels are there to the Reiki Training?In the Usui/Holy Fire system of Reiki, there are four defined levels including one, two, advanced and master. We also provide Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher training which can be taken after the Master class.
What is a Reiki Attunement?A Reiki attunement is the process by which a person receives the ability to channel Reiki. The energy is passed into the student, and awaken's the energy within them. The attunement is administered by the Reiki Master during the Reiki class.
Can you make a living from Reiki?Yes absolutely! Reiki is a very fulfilling practice and career! You can develop a Reiki practice combined with teaching classes that has the potential to bring in regular income. However, it requires one's full heart to be within the practice of Reiki.
How long does it take to learn Reiki?The initial class runs over a weekend and can be taken as a one or two-day course. Each day consists of about 7-hours of training which includes the empowerments, attunements and learning of how to give Reiki to oneself and others. Moving to master level and beyond requires longer classes with additional attunements and techniques. Learning Reiki does not take long but is a life-long journey and practice.
How do I find the right Reiki Teacher for me?We believe that you attract the teacher that you need at that given time. There are different lineages and teaching styles that have emerged, alongside many styles of Reiki. If you find a Reiki teacher that you resonate with but are unsure about taking their class, you should get in touch with them to ask any questions you feel to.

Free Phone Consultation
Online & In-Person Sessions:
1-Hour Energy Clearing - $200
2-Hour Healing Session - $300
Block of Four Sessions: Four 2-Hour Sessions - $800
Block of Five Sessions: Five 2-Hour Sessions - $1,000
Full Shamanic Treatment Package - Find Out More