This empowerment was created by master initiator Hari Andri Winarso and draws inspiration from Islamic and Javanese mystickal knowledge, known as Kejawen. This sacred initiation harnesses the essence of angels, incorporating their guidance and protection into the lives of practitioners. With its numerous virtues and magickal powers, Tenaga Inti Khodam Malaikat can operate independently or be directed by the will of the individual.
This empowerment connects a powerful legion of 2,000 Khodam Malaikat (Guardian Angels) to your energy field, allowing you to conjure them with simple prayers and visualisations, alongside calling them to assist with a wide variety of endeavours such as:
- Protection against all dark forces
- Guidance & Insight
- Building charisma, magnetism and abundance
- Healing on all levels
- Cleansing of the aura
- Any other purpose that is aligned with good intentions
If taken after Asmak Khodam Level 1 and Master Level Asmak Khodam, the powers will be greatly enhanced.
By incorporating the power of angelic khodams, this initiation provides a myriad of virtues and magickal abilities.
*Contains a digital manual upon purchase, alongside the initiation which is sent distantly at an agreed time.*